Let’s chat!

We love a good email chat. Hearing all about how you two met, what your favourite tv shows are, all of your plans for your big day, what drew you in to us Night Owls… we want to hear it all! So please pop through a message to us using our lil’ contact form and we’ll get back to you!

For any other non-wedding related enquiries (fun fact: weddings aren’t all we do! Danelle can design all sorts of stuff and Hook can do one mean colour grading job and so much more!) you can pop an email though to us or contact either of us directly – our info is below.

owls {at} acoupleofnightowls.com

Danelle – Wedding Photographer
danelle {at} acoupleofnightowls.com
AU +61 405 22 77 53

Hook – Frequency Wrangler
hook {at} acoupleofnightowls.com
AU +61 423 359 012

Name (required)

Email (required)


Wedding Date

Wedding Venue/s, City and Country (please be country specific!)

How did you hear about us Night Owls?

A bit of space for you to write your novel / enquiry ... ;)