A Couple Of Night Owls » Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com Melbourne Wedding Photographer Sun, 30 Oct 2016 13:18:43 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.1 Indie’s Cake Smash http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/indies-cake-smash/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/indies-cake-smash/#comments Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:13:00 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=1723 This is our little friend, Indie. She’s a fair bit bigger now, since these were taken over a year ago, but she’s still just as sweet and adorable! Most kids would go nuts given the opportunity to smash up a cake, but not Indie. She gave the cake some gentle pats, licked the icing off her fingers and wished the cake well! Too cute! :P

Indie is one awesome wee girl, who says some of the cutest things! Check out her hilarious dad, Vaughan’s instagram to see some of her cute shenanigans. I’m sure that with their second little girl having recently arrived into this world, Shardé and Vaughan will have an abundance of adorable baby things to share with us.

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Megan Sidwell | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/megan-sidwell-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/megan-sidwell-portraits/#comments Wed, 07 May 2014 04:09:47 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=2379 Megan, rocking it.

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Simon McDowell | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/simon-mcdowell-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/simon-mcdowell-portraits/#comments Wed, 07 May 2014 04:07:17 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=2387 Simon and his drums.

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Clara van Wel | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/clara-van-wel-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2014/clara-van-wel-portraits/#comments Thu, 27 Feb 2014 10:40:48 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=1470 Clara van Wel. A Star. Enough said.

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X Factor http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2013/x-factor/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2013/x-factor/#comments Mon, 05 Aug 2013 09:06:58 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=1900 Any X Factor fans out there? If you are one, you may have seen us Night Owls sneak our way in to the grand finale show on TV in amongst some of the behind the scenes footage of our shoot with a few of the X Factor contestants! We had an absolute blast shooting these guys, and we got to see some of their amazing singing talents up close. They are AMAZING.

Our photographs have been used for the X Factor winner, Jackie Thomas‘s single ‘It’s Worth It‘ and self-titled album cover, as well as runners up Whenua Patuwai‘s single ‘Something Special‘ and Benny Tipene‘s single ‘Walking On Water‘ artwork. Ya’ll should definitely check out their singles, as well as grabbing a copy of Jackie’s album which comes out this Friday!

Check it out – the top 3 on the NZ Top 40 Singles Chart!!!

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Jeremy Redmore | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2013/jeremy-redmore-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2013/jeremy-redmore-portraits/#comments Tue, 01 Jan 2013 03:05:36 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=1190 Since leaving Midnight Youth, Jeremy Redmore is now the new host of New Zealand travel TV show BGTV which will get loaded onto all Air NZ aircrafts on the 1st of April 2013, and asked us to shoot some promo photos for him to help launch his new solo career! Can’t wait for Jeremy’s debut album, tentatively called Clouds Are Alive, to come out! Keep an eye on his Facebook page in case he posts any more sneaky demos. :P

A Couple Of Night Owls | Auckland, New Zealand Photographers

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Sneak Peek | Joseph & Maia http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/sneak-peek-joseph-maia/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/sneak-peek-joseph-maia/#comments Sat, 22 Dec 2012 22:26:21 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=1169 We’ve been waiting a while to be able to show you a sneak peek of this awesome shoot! Sony asked us to take some photos of their newest musical duo, the wonderful Joseph & Maia! It was such a fun shoot! We got to use some pretty stunning locations, including Joseph’s sister’s ah-mazing home which is featured below. More to come, but in the mean time, check out their new song Place All Your Love on their brand new website josephandmaia.com! Enjoy!

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Marysia + Mike | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/marysia-mike-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/marysia-mike-portraits/#comments Sat, 13 Oct 2012 06:23:28 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=652 Sometimes we get our families to be our models. They do a pretty good job of it. This is my mother Marysia, my stepdad Mike, stepbrother Ben and their little pup Chloe (PS. I take way too many photos of Chloe. See my personal blog for proof haha). - Danelle

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Brent + Tracey | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/brent-tracey-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/brent-tracey-portraits/#comments Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:19:20 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=659 It’s so fantastic to finally have some really awesome photos of my family! We did this little shoot with Brent (my dad), Tracey (my stepmum), Jordan and Holly (my stepsisters) a while ago. I can’t help but break out a huge grin when I see them! Especially when I see that photo of Holly, the little blondie. I just want to squish her cheeks! Hahaha.

Brent and Tracey are expecting a little one very soon and I cannot wait to have a wee half-sister to buy adorable little onesies for! - Danelle

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Ania + Tony | Portraits http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/ania-tony-portraits/ http://acoupleofnightowls.com/2012/ania-tony-portraits/#comments Tue, 07 Aug 2012 07:58:13 +0000 A Couple Of Night Owls http://acoupleofnightowls.com/?p=649 We had the pleasure of doing a wee little portrait shoot with my awesome aunty Ania and her partner Tony at my mum’s home a few months back. The results were awesome. That single shot of Ania always makes me smile. So gorgeous! We also got my mum to get on in there too! – Danelle


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